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Updated: Apr 26, 2021

Hi everyone, great to have you here and I hope you enjoy reading more about what I do in my business and the joy of flowers - especially dried ones.

When I first started my business in 2017 many people were unsure of what I actually did and when I did tell them they thought I was very 80's and everyone had a story to tell about some dried flowers their grandmother used to have in her lounge.

Fast forward to 2021 and having had the busiest 12 months I have ever had and sent out more dried flowers than I thought was possible I'm beginning to think that maybe I'm not that naff!

Furthermore having read a few articles I have finally found out that I might even be trendy. Apparently in the last 2 years there has been a massive trend to something called 'Cottagecore'. Cottagecore devotees aspire to live the simple cottage live (even if they dont live in a cottage). Their passion is living a life that includes such things as home baking, garden and self-sufficiency, crafting, living life in a sustainable way, styling their home interiors with cottage - style objects and decor and flower arranging - particularly dried flowers.

All of this has been my way of life but didn't realise that I had a label and was now part of a trend. I'm so excited to see that some people are making their way back to a simple life and I think we have to give some credit to covid for making us all think about the way in which we are leading our lives moving forward.

So as I sit on my chintzy sofa in my wood house with 2 dogs at my feet and a banana bread in the oven whilst I write this I will take much pleasure in realising my business and doing what I love with dried flowers is bang on trend!

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